One Crazy Happy Life!

We are growing and changing, learning and experiencing....We have family and friends spread all over the states and this blog is to help keep us in touch and serve as a memory book...because when do we really have time to scrapbook?! HA

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ALCS Game 2 at Rangers Stadium

GOOOOO RANGERS!!!!!! Last weekend was fantastic!!! Sherri (mother in law) and Rob planned a great weekend for us. She got ALCS tickets for my birthday and he made hotel reservations, helped pack, and organize. The game was AMAZING to say the least. Neely got her face painted before the game at Hooters....I know-Hooters, with the kids? But Robo loves their food and Big Rob never objects to going there : ) We have been to several games this season and last but never have there been sooo many people. We waited in line to shop for 45 minutes! You could barely walk around to get drinks, food, etc. because the crowd was a t a stand still. Robo thought it was the best game yet. Neely however, said she won't go back unless she gets to sit in a box with air conditioning and a waiter. I know-she is already high maintenance and we have our hands FULL with her!!!

Neely's cheering on the Rangers!!!

We sat on the 3rd base side for the first time. We had great seats right at 3rd base but the sun was brutal, but by the 5th inning the weather was perfect!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Charlie Kitty!!!

So about 2 weeks ago I was Leaving the house on a Saturday morning and saw something furry and black next to the house...we live in the country and you never know what it could be so I immediately freaked out. (I have cried "snake" a few times and never has there been a snake) I tried to calm down and get close to figure out what it was without was a baby kitty! It had a large bite mark on its side and was terrified! I sat out some water and hoped it would be there later in the day. We got home that night about 9:30 pm and it was gone...thankfully I hadn't told the kids about it. Rob swore he heard some noises outside like a cat but I just thought he was crazy. The next day something crashed in the garage-we went out there to see the kitty in the garage trying to hide! We have kept it since and it is getting bigger and healthier. Neely named it Charlie ( I think for her favorite tv show Good Luck Charlie). I have never liked cats but this one is precious!!! It now plays with us and tries to sneak in the house...which will NEVER happen by the way. Lil Rob is SUPER allergic! Here is what the kitty looks like this the way-Neely is in Love and wants it to sleep in her bed. I keep catching her trying to sneak it in-little toot!!!