One Crazy Happy Life!

We are growing and changing, learning and experiencing....We have family and friends spread all over the states and this blog is to help keep us in touch and serve as a memory book...because when do we really have time to scrapbook?! HA

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 What I learned and 2012 Resolutions

2011 seems to have come and gone faster than any year before.  I feel like time moves so much quicker seemed like high school lasted forever, college semesters were so long and the break was so short.  Now I think back and wonder why I ever complained.  Everything in life is constantly scheduled by dates, weeks, countdowns...I just need time to freeze.  I need time to enjoy life now and not worry about what needs done by the 15th, mailed by the 23rd, filed by 5pm, or picked up by noon.  It's exhausting!!! First NY Resolution: RELAX!

NYE was spent with great friends that I feel so blessed to have! 2011 brought new friends, renewed old friendships, made lasting memories, and gave me a group of people that made a huge impression.  I learned that there are some people in your life that you simply cannot live without. Because once they are near- you can't imagine life before them!  I learned that it really is ok to be a little different....even if you wear heels (instead of boots) in a West Texas town and you don't have a clue about what goes on at a stock show...real friends will still love and accept you!  I learned that working with your spouse-is hard... it takes work and compromise.  But once you get that figured out-it's great!  And just recently I have seen that life is truly a gift and fragile.  You have to take every day and live it to the absolute fullest! You can't step backward or worry about yesterday- you have to keep moving forward and learn from the past!  (Easier said than done)

 NY Resolution #2: Be more patient...I am one of the worst road rage drivers out there! I hate slow drivers, people that don't know they can turn right on red, etc.  But- I am going to try to be more patient...and not just when driving.  When waiting in line, shopping, at dr's offices, etc.  All around everyday life is loaded with bubble busters and I refuse to let them pull out the yelling, rage-issue little demon inside me! HA!

NY Resolution #3: Finally find drapes for my breakfast nook and living area. (Now this I just may succeed at!) We have lived in this house for 3 1/2 years and I have yet to find drapes for these 2 areas! I have looked incessantly- and  friend want to take this project on?!

There is no weight loss-fitness-diet goal this year....i would just cave and stuff myself full of brownies by day 3...who am I kidding? 1!!!  In general- I just want to stay happy.  I refuse to weigh everyday and panic over a few pounds this year!  Let's see how I feel about this in May when it's time to put on a bathing suit?!

 2011 was a great year but I am hoping that 2012 brings just as many blessings and fewer freak-out moments!!  Hope you all have an amazing 2012!!!